Financial Services Made Easy

Easy Saving Group
Open an Easy Saving Account with ESG and take control of your financial future. We offer competitive interest rates and flexible withdrawal options.
Secure Investments
ESG provides a wide range of investment opportunities tailored to your financial goals. Our experienced advisors will guide you through the investment process and help you make informed decisions.
We're legal entity fully registered and licensed
We're legal entity fully registered and licensed by the Directorate Of Community Based Services Authority, Under the Certificate Number: WCBO/22/9634.
Member Savings
You can now easily manage and make savings or any transaction of your choice directly to your account with our hassle free technologies from your personal account directly to your ESG personal savings account. Simple,secure, and hassle free. Everywhere you are, you can save. Try it today for a smooth and secure experience. Ne Easy Saving Group nawee osobola
(ESG) introduces Machant code plus+ savings
ESG members can now save money by using only machant code. Now everything gets either with ESG Machant code plus+ idea you can do it anywhere, anytime, with no distractions 💪💪💪 have a peace of mind with our new idea. kikole ku sipotii With our new machant code plus+, everyone can save. Till No: 6564662 Mapped to EASY SAVING GROUP Save your money, save for the future. SENTE BAZINOGA KU MITII From Money to Monies 💰💰
Hello, our lovely members. You're most welcome to the esg platform where you can easily manage, control, and run your personal strategies and financial goals. on this platform, you can save, withdraw, etc, because this system allows personal save which's hassle free everywhere you're. for more information go to get intuch. Thank you.

Frequently asked questions
Start Saving Today
Discover how our financial services can help you save money and reach your goals.